Thursday, February 3, 2011

to those who feel sad; envying my happiness...

First of all..i would like to say that this post is not for hurting people's or what. It just what i feel about those who feel sad; envying my happiness. I really2 don't understand. Why you should feel sad for my happiness? I think i've already respect you and your life. I don't ever bother bout your life. But why you must do all this to me? is it hard for you to give me some space for me to have my own life? Omg ! I still remember that time i was talking to you nicely. So can you please just let me happy with my life. For your information..i don't even hate you. So tell me what's wrong with you....I know you might read this entry. I don't want to fight with you because i'm not that kind of person. I thought we've already settle this thing before. I hope you can pray for my happiness as i pray for your happiness too..

pen off

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